Jaron Lanier brings up some interesting points when it comes
to the monetization of Facebook – particularly the concepts surrounding the
increase of tangible wealth for the users. I have heard many accounts of how
social media users are being paid by affiliate partners to market brands or
ideas, building on the increasing consumer desires within the online world. It
was never something that I paid much attention to until a friend introduced me
to her Instagram account, and showed me how she uses endorsements to earn a
small paycheck. My son envisions a future where he is able to pay the bills
with the earnings from a YouTube channel, but he and I are both vastly
uneducated in this area. I know it exists, but how does a person get from
YouTuber, to earning as a YouTuber?
This YouTube video, by CTNtechnologynews, explains the basic
math behind earning on YouTube. Essentially, it all comes down to viewers and
their behaviour when dealing with the advertising that they view on your
channel. The reality is, earning enough on YouTube to pay the bills, takes more
than just having a channel and posting regularly. Gaining a solid viewer base
takes time, effort and a willingness to engage in marketing that ensures
you are gaining and keeping viewers long enough to gain solid subscribers who are willing to click on those ad ribbons.
What About No? has
a whopping 4 subscribers, and at the time of this post, 86 views on the single
video that has been posted so far. Why
is there only one post? Time is only answer we have. Between travel for work,
school, and an extremely fun flu bug that made its way through our house, we
simply have not had the time to make another video. The channel is not a priority,
making it difficult to put in the full effort that is required. Are we going to stop? Of course not. That
would be a downer, in so many ways. We just need to get back on schedule and
make it happen. Do we expect to get rich off this? Not really. Just rich in family love.
Our 4 subscribers would be so proud of our determination.